'...the most idiotic thing in COBOL...You have to start every instruction at the eigth column or something...'
Well, it made sense back when they used punchcards. Or perhaps you enjoy manually sorting a stack of punchcards.
(Not that I'm old enough to have used punchcards myself, but anyway...)
Micro Focus Visual Cobol Cracked Rib

Friday, January 30, 2004

'...the most idiotic thing in COBOL...You have to start every instruction at the eigth column or something...'
The last time I touched COBOL professionally (about 10 years ago...), there were very few COBOL compilers that still enforced this unless you set the 'take me back to the good-old-days' compiler switch.
I seriously doubt (well, hope...) that even fewer do so now.

Friday, January 30, 2004

Almost forgot the original topic...
If you want to learn COBOL programming, there are a couple of books that seem to get decent praise:
C for Cobol Programmers : A Business Approach - http://www.bestwebbuys.com/books/compare/isbn/0805316604
Teach Yourself COBOL in 21 Days - http://www.bestwebbuys.com/books/compare/isbn/0672317885 (yes, I know it's one of the dreaded '21 days' books, but it's supposed to give a nice introduction to COBOL)

Friday, January 30, 2004

Don't bother learnining COBOL... it is a huge waste of time. I made quite a bit of cash during Y2K knowing it, but companies these days do NOT want COBOL programmers. There is still a newsgroup that tries to convince themselves that COBOL rocks... but not only does it suck as a procedural language (which C, for all intents and purposes still commands attention), but it cannot properly move into the OO realm. I've seen OO COBOL (as a Java programmer) and it is just as bad as all the COBOL client code I've ever tried to convert.
COBOL is like one big DTO language. If you know what I'm talking about, you'll know what I mean..................

it is as it is
Saturday, February 21, 2004

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